Tiembla Paypal?
Luego de la compra por parte de Ebay, del sitio de pagos online Paypal, éste concentró la mayor parte de las transacciones electrónicas mundiales. A esto se agregó la interrupción de servicios de Bidpay (el sistema de pagos de Western Union ahora resucitado por otra empresa), lo que constituyó un situación de cuasi monopolio en el dominio del segmento de pagos electrónicos. Ahora, ésta situación podría estar cambiando.
Según leo en webpronews, el lanzamiento de una herramienta de pago online de Google, que se llamaría Gbuy, estaría muy próximo. Algunos aventuran que podría suceder durante esta semana.
Aunque Gbuy no admitiría el pago "persona a persona", podría representar una dura competencia para Paypal en el terreno del comercio electrónico en general.
La noticia completa es la siguiente:
"PayPal delivered nearly a quarter of eBay's most recent quarterly revenue of $1.3 billion, the Wall Street Journal said.
That PayPal revenue may look like a big jar of chocolate chips to the Cookie Monsters at Google. Their rival system, called GBuy, has been getting a workout since the early part of 2005. The Journal cited a source briefed on the service:
For the last nine months, Google has recruited online retailers to test GBuy, according to one person briefed on the service. GBuy will feature an icon posted alongside the paid-search ads of merchants, which Google hopes will tempt consumers to click on the ads, says this person. GBuy will also let consumers store their credit-card information on Google.
Storing payment information has been an ease-of-use feature and strength of PayPal. Google has enough brand recognition to get a lot of attention. The Journal's report seems to suggest the way Google will get users on board will be through its GBuy retailers. But will eBay accept GBuy as a payment method? Probably, as long as eBay gets its cuts of a sale as is customary.
The GBuy.com domain returns a "page not found" error when tested, so whatever Google has on tap isn't readily available yet. The domain has been registered to the Burbank, CA, firm Trout & Zimmer. SearchEngineWatch noted in September 2005 how the domain gcalendar.com was transferred from Trout & Zimmer to Data Docket Inc, a firm well known for registering domain names with Google as part of the name.
Google, as per usual, had no comment on any pending products, the Journal said."
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